Chintan Vasani
May 11, 2023parentsnewmobile2
May 11, 2023
I, mother of Mst Ghag Viraj Dattaray, would like to applaud the efforts taken by the school. The efforts were well shown during the Pandemic period. Online classes were conducted smoothly and systematically. I am extremely happy that Viraj is a part of this institution and he is doing well. The efforts of the teachers to provide quality education is highly appreciated. As my son says about the 12 point vision which our honorable chairman sir speaks about and one among them is sports. It is because of this vision that the students are benefitted in the sports. My son too is good at sports and participated at state level for Shot put. It is all because of the efforts taken by the school. Thank you to all the teachers!
PARENT NAME – Mrs. Ghag Disha Dattaray